[Infowarrior] - Politics: Colbert's WHCA Parody of Bush and "Current Events"

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon May 1 08:10:18 EDT 2006

IMV, Colbert was hysterical.  From what I've heard and read, this was one of
the 'darker' comic bits at the WHCA dinner in recent years (and more slanted
towards the 'spoof-the-President' instead of also 'spoof-the-press-corps').
Some reports say that the criticism-adverse President was NOT pleased when
Colbert was done....but then again, he could just have been grumpy since the
dinner let out way past his bedtime.

That said, I am still having nightmares of being stalked by Helen Thomas, so
I guess that's my penance for enjoying the gig so much.  :)


Part I

Part II

...and no, I'm not rubbing anyone's face in anything -- I also enjoyed the
skewerings of Bill Clinton during the 90s as well.


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