[Infowarrior] - More on the new NSA agreement

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jul 13 15:14:01 EDT 2006

...I think the potential "gotcha" I referred to earlier is the last
paragraph about consolidating the various surveillance suits into one case
brought before FISC....meaning they'd only have to worry about winning one
case instead of dozens?

The whole "misusing information" thing is interesting -- what standard will
be used to determine such misuse?



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Specter told the committee that the bill, among other things, would:

‹ Require the attorney general to give the intelligence court information on
the program's constitutionality, the government's efforts to protect
Americans' identities and the basis used to determine that the intercepted
communications involve terrorism.

‹Expand the time for emergency warrants secured under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act from three to seven days.

‹Create a new offense if government officials misuse information.

‹At the NSA's request, clarify that international calls that merely pass
through terminals in the United States are not subject to the judicial
process established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The administration official, who asked not to be identified because
discussions are still ongoing, said the bill also would give the attorney
general power to consolidate the 100 lawsuits filed against the surveillance
operations into one case before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

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