[Infowarrior] - US unveils emergency alert system for mobile phones, computers

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Jul 12 16:15:05 EDT 2006

US unveils emergency alert system for mobile phones, computers
Jul 12 3:12 PM US/Eastern

The US government unveiled a communications system that in case of emergency
should soon allow it to send SMS alerts to Americans' mobile phones and

"We have the ability to do this. It's a major step," Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) Director David Paulson told reporters outside the
US capital as he unveiled the program's design.

The Digital Emergency Alert System (DEAS) will include the participation of
television networks and public radio stations and be based on an existing
alert system built in the Cold War era for use in the event of a nuclear

The new system will initially allow the government to quickly alert public
organizations and first-aid groups in case of an emergency.

It is planned to become operational in southern and eastern states by the
end of the year, and nationally at the end of 2007.

At the same time, the government said it will build a system that can also
send alerts to mobile phone users and computers linked to the Internet.

The SMS messages will be sent out in case "something unfortunate has
happened," said John Lawson, president and chief executive officer of the
Association of Public Television Stations.

Internet-linked computers will automatically switch on to a video message
from the US Department of Homeland Security while downloading instructions
prepared specifically from natural disasters, chemical and nuclear attacks,
and other calamities. 

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