[Infowarrior] - A Chronology of Data Breaches Since ChoicePoint

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Jul 8 02:33:11 EDT 2006

A Chronology of Data Breaches
Reported Since the ChoicePoint Incident

The data breaches noted below have been reported because the  personal
information compromised includes data elements useful to  identity thieves,
such as Social Security numbers, account numbers, and driver's license
numbers. A few breaches that do NOT expose such sensitive information have
been included in order to underscore the variety and frequency of data
breaches. However, we have not included  the number of records involved in
such breaches in the total because we want this compilation to reflect
breaches that expose individuals to identity theft as well as breaches that
qualify for disclosure  under state laws.

The running total we maintain at the end of the Chronology represents the
approximate number of *records* that have been compromised due to security
breaches, not necessarily the number of *individuals* affected. Some
individuals may be the victims of more than one breach, which would affect
the totals. 

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