[Infowarrior] - US plans broadband safety network

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Dec 21 09:09:57 EST 2006

 US plans broadband safety network

US politicians have proposed a national wireless broadband network for use
by emergency services at times of crisis.

The system, put forward by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
would be built with private companies.

The proposal is a response to the communication problems highlighted during
the 11th September attacks and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At the moment the various US safety agencies use a patchwork of different
communication systems to stay in touch.

"Earlier this year, I had an opportunity to hear local public safety
personnel recount their experiences on the ground during the tragic events
of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita," said Deborah Taylor Tate, commissioner at
the FCC in a statement.

"Their eyewitness accounts underscore how important it is that our nation's
first responders have access to reliable and redundant communications in the
event of an emergency, and how much remains to be done before those tools
are available."

Private network

The proposed network would take advantage of a chunk of the radio spectrum
already allocated to public safety.

The spectrum, in the 700MHz band, is particularly useful as it travels over
long distances and can easily penetrate walls and buildings.

In a bid to make the network state of the art, the FCC has recommended that
the system be built in partnership with private companies.

"Our country is teeming with entrepreneurs, willing and able to invest and
take the risks necessary to accelerate the development and roll-out of
advanced services," said Commissioner Robert McDowell.

"The same market and technological forces that have made advanced wireless
services an everyday part of living for the vast majority of Americans can
and should be leveraged by the public safety community," he added.

The planned network would use an IP-based infrastructure, the same system
that underpin the internet and allows interoperability among many different

The final network would be the first time that the emergency services and
public agencies would have a fully unified interoperable communications

In the UK, the emergency services already have access to a single system,
known as Airwave, provided by mobile operator O2. The secure network, which
has been rolled out across almost all safety services, is used for voice
calls, but also allows limited data to be shared.

Like their US counterparts, the UK emergency services are also considering
their broadband needs.

Kevin Martin, chairman of the FCC in the US said any decision to implement a
new network would fall to the federal government.

"If Congress determines that additional spectrum resources in the 700MHz
band should be allocated to public safety, the commission would implement
that determination."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/12/21 10:54:46 GMT


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