[Infowarrior] - Lessig releases "Code v2"

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Dec 11 10:19:36 EST 2006

>From the Preface: "This is a translation of an old book‹indeed, in Internet
time, it is a translation of an ancient text." That text is Lessig's "Code
and Other Laws of Cyberspace." The second version of that book is "Code v2."
The aim of Code v2 is to update the earlier work, making its argument more
relevant to the current internet.

Code v2 was written in part through a collaborative Wiki. That version is
still accessible here. Lessig took the Wiki text as of 12/31/05, and then
added his own edits. Code v2 is the result.

The Wiki text was licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
2.5 License. So too is the derivative. Reflecting the contributions of the
community to this new work, all royalties have been dedicated to Creative

You can download the full text in PDF form. The text is also available in a
Wiki hosted by SocialText. And obviously, you can also buy the book at the
links to the right. (A wise choice, as it is cheaper than printing the book
in most contexts.)


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