[Infowarrior] - "Total Travel Information Awareness"

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sun Dec 10 16:51:15 EST 2006

(c/o IP)

"Total Travel Information Awareness"
Travel Data and Privacy
by Edward Hasbrouck, "The Practical Nomad"

[Note: An earlier version of this article won a 2003 Lowell Thomas Travel
Journalism Award for investigative reporting from the Society of American
Travel Writers Foundation. This version has been substantially updated to
reflect events through September 2003, when I started my blog. For an
updated overview of this topic, see my chapter on Travel Privacy in the
Privacy and Human Rights 2004 yearbook from Privacy International and the
Electronic Privacy Information Center; for more recent news, see the
articles in the Privacy and Travel category of my blog.]

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