[Infowarrior] - Fox TV and blogging content ownership

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Dec 5 22:49:33 EST 2006

WTTG FOX-5 in DC recently underwent an on-air and on-line facelift --
perhaps as part of an overall effort by Fox to standardize their local news
look and feel across the enterprise (check out myfoxny.com, which looks
exactly like myfoxdc.com).  Anyway, one of their new "features" is a
blogging service that  -- at least here in DC -- they regularly promote on
the nightly news by inviting folks to "blog with us."

Yet check out this part of their Blogging ToS:


> 4. You agree that any content you post becomes the property of FIM. You
> understand and agree that FIM and its parent and affiliated companies may use,
> publish, copy, sublicense, adapt, edit, distribute, publicly perform, display
> and delete the content you post as they see fit. This right will terminate at
> the time you remove such content from the Site. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
> a back-up or residual copy of the content posted by you to the Site may remain
> on the FIM servers after you have removed such content from the Site, and FIM
> retains the rights to those copies.

Gee....how many other user-content-hosting sites have tried this in recent

'nuff said. 


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