[Infowarrior] - Securing data by scattering the pieces

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 21 09:11:21 EDT 2006

Securing data by scattering the pieces

By John Markoff

Story last modified Sun Aug 20 21:51:12 PDT 2006

Chris Gladwin, a software designer and businessman in Chicago, had time on
his hands after selling his company, the online music store Music Now, in
2004. So he decided to digitize all of the music, photos and paper detritus
that he had been meaning to organize for years.

After he was finished, he discovered that he had 27 gigabytes of
data--equivalent to a library of 22,000 books--that he was eager to protect.
"I wondered, 'what are my options?'" he said, "and I realized that none of
them were that good."

But he had been reading histories of early encryption research, and he saw a
gem of an idea in the work of cryptographers who kept information secure by
dividing it into pieces and dispersing it.

So what began as a home improvement project culminated in a system called
Cleversafe, with potential applications far beyond Gladwin's memorabilia.
For companies and government agencies trying to secure networked data, it
offers a simple way to store digital documents and other files in slices
that can be reassembled only by the computers that originally created the

The idea of distributed data storage is not new. But Cleversafe is
significant because it is an open-source project--that is, the technology
will be freely licensed, enabling others to adopt the design to build
commercial products. That approach may contribute to Cleversafe's potential
to lower the cost of reliably storing data on the Internet.

"If we distributed data around the world this way, it would be a pretty
resilient way to store data," said David Patterson, a computer scientist at
the University of California, Berkeley, who is a pioneer in designing
distributed data storage techniques. Gladwin contends that Cleversafe can
store data at a lower cost and make it more secure than current Internet
services. The group is counting on a continuing explosion of consumer
digital data of all types, including new generations of high-definition
still and video cameras that will create demand for secure and private
backup capabilities.

Computer scientists argue that projects like Cleversafe are an indication
that the broadband Internet will soon have the same impact on data storage
that it has had on computing and communications technologies. Dozens of
commercial Web storage services are already used to back up data safely. In
addition, Amazon's S3 and other services are intended to enable an array of
digital Internet services to operate without any local storage capacity.

But the current design of such services generally involves making as many as
five or more complete copies of the original data and storing them at
multiple locations to ensure that information is not lost through a drive
failure or other catastrophe. The Cleversafe design will cut the amount of
storage space needed for secure backup by more than half.

Gladwin, 42, said he was deeply influenced by a seminal paper, "How to Share
a Secret," written in 1979 by Adi Shamir, a designer of the encryption
algorithm known as public-key cryptography. The paper describes how a
message can be broken into pieces and then reassembled from a subset of
those pieces without revealing the message.

Gladwin developed a set of software routines that would copy the data stored
on his PC into a large number of fragments, or slices. The mathematics of
his solution had an additional benefit: the original data could be
reconstructed from a majority of the slices. The design made it possible to
retrieve a complete set of his original data even if some of the disks that
held portions of the data failed or went offline.

The design of such "distributed file systems" is already a rich area of
computer science research, and commercial systems are widely available in
the software and data-storage markets. But Gladwin argues that his new
standard offers security and efficiency features not easily available either
to information technology managers or to individual computer users.

The experimental Cleversafe research grid is located at 11 storage sites
around the world, but Gladwin is hoping that a commercial network will
evolve, composed of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of storage
sites that will be accessible at low cost.

The Cleversafe design could lead to a communal Internet storage system that
Patterson called "hippie storage." The idea is similar to SETI at Home, the
shared computing system that allows PC users to contribute idle time on
their machines to create a distributed supercomputer.

Today most distributed storage systems work by making multiple copies of
data at multiple locations and then using various mechanisms to keep the
copies synchronized. Examples include distributed file systems from
Microsoft and Google as well as a system designed by software developers at
Stanford known as Lockss--Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe--that is used to
preserve the digital versions of academic journals.

The Cleversafe project uses a different approach based on dispersing data in
encrypted slices rather than copying it. That approach shares some design
similarities with a Berkeley research project known as OceanStore, which is
also intended to create a globally distributed computer storage system.

"They're not making a commercially implemented solution," Gladwin said of
the Berkeley project. "Our focus is something that people can use."

A storage industry analyst said that such an approach had significant

"The great thing about storage is that it's always a moving target," said
Michael Dortch, principal business analyst at the Robert Frances Group, an
industry consulting organization. "The I.T. industry is littered with the
bodies of people who have said solution X will never fly."

The Cleversafe project, with 25 employees, is housed on the campus of the
Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Gladwin said the school had
been an ideal technology incubator because of the ready availability of
student technical talent.

One company considering the Cleversafe software is Univa, a developer of
grid computing software and systems. "The potential to be able to
geographically distribute data over the Internet has very nice properties,"
said Steve Tuecke, a founder and chief technology officer of Univa, in
Lisle, Ill.

An early financial backer of the project, Stewart Alsop, argues that
Cleversafe is an indication that the open-source software movement is
shifting from merely reusing existing designs to becoming a force for

"Data storage on the Internet is one of the most brutally competitive
markets in the world," he said. "But nobody is using this architecture, and
the logical benefits of this are remarkable."

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