[Infowarrior] - How To Prep Laptops For Airport Security

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Aug 14 23:03:22 EDT 2006

#7 is sure helpful if "no electronics of any sort" or "no carry-on" becomes
the policy at your local airport.....guess you should FEDEX your thumbdrive
AND toothpaste to your destination now.....rf

How To Prep Laptops For Airport Security
By K.C. Jones

Some companies are beginning to rethink laptop security policies in light of
the United Kingdom's ban on electronic devices in airplane cabins.

Others are pressuring authorities to ease the restrictions, which prevent
business travelers leaving the United Kingdom from keeping close tabs on the
machines and the sensitive data they contain.

In the meantime, security providers are offering a few tips for travelers
flying in and out of the United Kingdom.

"Although this greatly impacts international business travelers, this could
also foreshadow a broader ban and tighter security restrictions on a global
basis," John Livingston, chairperson and CEO of Absolute Software, said in a
prepared statement. "These precautions make good business sense at anytime "
not just during a period of heightened security. Laptop theft, data security
and identity theft are threats that all travelers face on a daily basis.
These steps can help mitigate risk, prevent a business disruption and lead
to the recovery of lost or stolen laptops."

Whether the ban is temporary in the immediate aftermath of the arrest of
more than 20 people allegedly planning to use electronics to detonate bombs
in mid-flight, or whether it becomes permanent, Absolute Software suggests
the following precautions:

1. Use luggage locks approved by the Transportation Security Administration
to deter theft.

2. Pack laptops with soft foam or bubble wrap and place laptop bags inside
other luggage to protect them from rough handling and to keep them

3. Use passwords with a combination of numbers and letters, as well as
encryption, solutions to prevent unauthorized access to laptops and
sensitive data.

4. Back-up valuable data before travel to minimize the risk of data loss or
lost productivity in case of theft. Since the information is often more
valuable than the computer itself, it is important to protect the data as
much as possible.

5. Invest in asset tracking and recovery software. Absolute Software
recommends tools like its CompuTrace, which is embedded in the BIOS of

6. Use remote data protection, so sensitive information can be wiped
remotely if the laptop is lost or stolen.

7. Carry portable storage devices, like external thumb drives, for easy
access to data in case luggage is delayed or lost.

8. Keep accurate records, including receipts and the computer's make, model,
and serial number in a safe place for filing claims.

9. Be sure to shut down the laptop, not leave it in standby or hibernate
mode, before packing in luggage.

Computer Security Products also offers warning stickers, tattoos and other
products to deter theft. Secure IT also offers a variety of products like
locks, keys and cables.

Other steps to take: use a secure operating system; make sure the user name
is not stored in the login box; register laptops with manufacturers; and
remove and store PCMCIA cards in a separate, secure place.

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