[Infowarrior] - Specter Rushing Thursday Vote on Surveillance Bill

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Aug 2 15:58:16 EDT 2006

Call Congress Now - Specter Rushing Thursday Vote on Surveillance Bill
August 02, 2006

Because of phone calls and letters from constituents like you, Senator Arlen
Specter is feeling the heat. Having previously delayed a vote on his
dangerous surveillance bill, he is now intent on moving it out of committee
on Thursday. This sham "compromise" bill will help the government continue
to break the law, vastly expanding the president's power to spy on you
without any meaningful oversight from Congress or the courts. If you haven't
already called and your Senator is on the Judiciary Committee, please use
our Action Center and call your Senator immediately to stop this dangerous

Your friends and family could be constituents of Judiciary Committee members
-- spread the word and urge them to call Congress now. If you're a blogger,
post a "Stop the Surveillance Bills" button.

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