[Dataloss] admin: Mail List Downtime

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Fri Sep 5 23:03:38 UTC 2008

The Data Loss Mail List, currently hosted by attrition.org, will be down 
on Sunday, September 7 from 7am EDT until 7pm EDT.

During this time, we will be moving the list to be hosted by 
DataLossDB.org.  There will be no need to unsubscribe or resubscribe to 
the list, but the email address to send posts and replies to the list will 
change to:

dataloss at datalossdb.org

We appreciate everyone's patience and support during this transition.  If 
anyone has questions about the transition, please email me at 
lyger at attrition.org.


Lyger (Data Loss Mail List moderator)

More information about the Dataloss mailing list