[Dataloss] Preparation Key to Managing Data Breaches

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon May 19 09:51:44 UTC 2008

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Darryl K. Taft

BALTIMORE - In this era of Internet connectivity, businesses must prepare 
for what is becoming the almost-inevitable data breach, according to a 
pair of chief privacy officers for major financial institutions.

At the IntrusionWorld Conference and Expo co-located with the Web Services 
Security & SOA Conference here May 13, Joel Tietz, chief privacy officer 
at AXA Financial, and Michael Drobac, chief privacy officer at Merrill 
Lynch, discussed the increasing risk and costs of data breaches and how 
enterprises can better prevent and manage them.

Drobac exhorted every organization to have a plan in place for data 
breaches. "Failing to plan is planning to fail," he said, noting that data 
breaches have become almost inevitable in the connected era.

Drobac provided his own top 10 list of ways to prevent and manage a data 
breach that could cost an organization time, money, productivity and 


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