[Dataloss] fringe: Classified Hong Kong "watch-list" leaked on internet

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Mon May 12 09:31:05 UTC 2008

[The term "travel document information" is vague. If this meant passport
  information, this would qualify for inclusion in DLDOS for example. -  jericho]

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Sahil Nagpal
May 9th, 2008

Hong Kong - A government investigation was underway Friday after it was 
revealed that confidential files from the Immigration Department had been 
mistakenly leaked on to the internet.

The list, which contained a list of the names of people for officers to 
watch, plus travel document information and travel records, has been 
available on the internet since Monday through a file-sharing programme 
called "Foxy."

The blunder occurred after a newly-recruited immigration officer working 
at the Lok Ma Chau border point took home some old classified files to 
study without authorisation.


Earlier this week, banking giant HSBC was forced to apologise to customers 
after it admitted it had lost the data of 159,000 accounts from a Hong 
Kong branch.

The data was held on a internet server which is understood to have gong 
missing in April from the Kwun Tong branch of the bank while it was 
undergoing renovation last month.


In one case, a USB flashdrive containing the files of 10,000 patients from 
the Prince of Wales Hospital was lost after a hospital worker who was 
transferring the data left it in a taxi.


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