[Dataloss] data thieves in Tx

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Tue May 6 11:26:29 UTC 2008

  a "Press release" by a commercial company who provides identity theft 


Identity Theft 911 released a new report today that finds this problem 
is reaching epidemic levels in many areas of Texas, which ranks 2nd in 
the nation for identity theft complaints, according to the most recent 
Federal Trade Commission statistics. The investigation also determined 
that employment-related identity theft, especially when connected to 
illegal immigration, is the largest single use of stolen identities in 
the state. The findings include:

Approximately 880,400 Texans became victims of identity theft in 2007. 
This is roughly equivalent to every citizen in Austin, Edinburg and 
Midland having their identities stolen in a single year

In several South Texas cities, the rate of identity theft victimization 
is more than twice the national average

Identity theft cost Texas victims an estimated $435.7 million in 2007

Texas residents spent a total of 3.5 million hours resolving identity 
theft issues

“Each year millions of consumers fall victim to different forms of this 
devastating crime and this report highlights new hot spots and potential 
reasons for the high numbers in Texas,” said Steve Christenson, 
President of Identity Theft 911. The report also highlights the 
leadership role Texans have played in trying to fight identity theft.

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