[Dataloss] what do you think of a dataloss workshop?

B.K. DeLong bkdelong at pobox.com
Fri Mar 28 16:55:37 UTC 2008

The model of Metricon/MiniMetricon (http://www.securitymetrics.org) might be
a nice, workable model to follow and with RSA around the corner, there might
be quite a few list members attending to warrant at least a "Meetup"

Lyger, perhaps an "Are you going to RSA?" thread for people to use for the
basis of connecting?

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Allan Friedman <
allan_friedman at ksgphd.harvard.edu> wrote:

> [If this is not the right place to discuss this, let's take it elsewhere]
> Given the great and increasingly dense and complex discussion on this
> list, I wonder whether there would be any interest in assembling for a
> workshop / mini-conference?  I'd be happy to try to organize one here
> at Harvard sometime next fall.  Thoughts?
> I feel that many of the discussions we are having here overlap or abut
> much of the other discussions in privacy and security. Sitting down
> and drawing up a clear understanding of the critical areas of
> dataloss, and how it impacts business and law will be helpful. Is this
> redundant? Unnecessary?
> Here is my general idea, purely as a strawman.
> 1) Probably just one day, mid fall 2008
> 2) Some combination of panels and academic paper presentation, with a
> keynote and at least one breakout session
> 3) Content: 50% academic (econ, law, tech, policy) 25% business, 25%
> public policy/ advocacy
> 4) We would need to define dataloss as a reasonably coherent clump to
> prevent the typical privacy rehashing, or making it too broad to be
> useful. Also, it should be more focused than a run of the mill
> enterprise/organization security conference.
> 5) Topics: breach laws, econ models, technical solutions,
> understanding liability, metrics and quant
> 6) Ideally, the workshop could be summarized to produce a research
> agenda and/or a policy agenda
> 7) In my experience, breakout discussion sessions can be very
> productive in knowledge distillation.
> If this is not a horrible idea, who would be interested in attending?
> Speaking or presenting research? Helping organize? Vendor
> participation or sponsorship?
> allan
> Allan Friedman
> PhD Candidate, Public Policy
> Kennedy School of Government
> Fellow, Center for Research in Computation and Society
> School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
> Harvard University
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B.K. DeLong (K3GRN)
bkdelong at pobox.com

http://www.wkdelong.org Son.
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http://www.carolingia.eastkingdom.org Service.
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