[Dataloss] Call to Arms: In Search of Bigger DLDOS

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Mar 15 07:18:04 UTC 2008


Call to Arms: In Search of Bigger DLDOS
Sat Mar 15 00:02:11 EST 2008

Over the past few months, Attrition.org has received numerous requests 
about enhancements to the Data Loss Database - Open Source (DLDOS). As 
much as we would like to accomodate every request and provide a more 
complete and more accurate data set, just as the Open Source Vulnerability 
Database strives for the same goal, sometimes the resources "just aren't 
there". We generally receive suggestions via email and ponder them while 
adding new events and updating archived ones, but we had to ask ourselves, 
"how much can we really do on our own?".

The Data Loss Mail List currently has over 1,200 active subscribers and we 
feel that it has been a valuable source of information regarding data loss 
events, legislative matters, and technical discussion. With that in mind, 
it's sometimes frustrating knowing that we could enhance and improve upon 
the current data set, but simply don't have the time to manage all of it 
ourselves. So, all of a sudden, *light bulb* - why not ask for a little 
help? Why not make the database more of a "community project"? Why not 
have anyone offer suggestions, submit changes, and we can incorporate 
those changes if they meet general (and informal) standards?

Actually, that's what we wanted (and suggested) in the first place. 
However, much like OSVDB, that hasn't happened.

So, instead of just mailing us with ideas for new columns, criteria, and 
specific field updates, we want to invite everyone to download the current 
database (which generally updates at least five or six times a week), make 
changes, and send it back to us with a quick note as to what was changed 
and why it was changed.


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