[Dataloss] follow-up: MTV Breach Underscores Company's Need For DLP

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Wed Mar 12 18:20:25 UTC 2008

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Stefanie Hoffman
March 10, 2008

MTV Networks might still be reeling after the leakage of 5,000 
confidential files containing personal and sensitive employee information 
were illegally accessed by an individual outside the company. But experts 
say that the incident might prompt companies to reevaluate data loss 
protection capabilities throughout their networks.

The security breach occurred when data was compromised over an Internet 
connection on an employee's computer, according to a statement released by 
the network Friday. An internal memo by Catherine Houser, executive vice 
president of Human Resources at MTV Networks, said that the compromised 
personal information included names, birth dates, Social Security numbers 
and compensation data of network employees. A Reuters report said that MTV 
declined to provide any further information about the number of affected 
employees or the nature of the compromised information.

MTV is currently conducting an investigation regarding the breach. While 
the network notified law enforcement and a credit monitoring company to 
alert and protect the identities of the affected employees, it was not 
immediately clear whether the password protected files were opened or 
actively exploited.


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