[Dataloss] A data security breach legislation question

Susan Orr susan at susanorrconsulting.com
Mon Mar 10 20:17:35 UTC 2008

I was just looking at the various states the other day, and there are 
some differences - some exempt encrypted information, some exclude 
financial institutions and others that are covered under other existing 
federal and state laws like GLBA.  One state I believe exempts "state 
agencies" Oklahoma I think. 

Didn't know it was up to 40, last I saw was 38.  I'll have to check it 
out, thanks.

Rebecca Herold wrote:
> Counting the District of Columbia, as of the end of October it was 40; see 
> http://www.privacyguidance.com/files/statebreachnotificationlaws10.19.07.pdf
> Best regards,
> Rebecca Herold
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kalter, Sarah " <skalter at affiniongroup.com>
> To: "lyger" <lyger at attrition.org>; <dataloss at attrition.org>
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 10:07 AM
> Subject: [Dataloss] A data security breach legislation question
>> Hi All,
>> Does anyone happen to know how many states have enacted data security
>> breach laws/legislation? And if so, which states?
>> Thank you so much!
>> Best,
>> Sarah
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