[Dataloss] FTC Settles Breach Complaint With Student Lender

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed Mar 5 00:26:47 UTC 2008


(I don't recall hearing about this one... anyone else?)

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has settled a complaint against student 
lender Goal Financial after allegations that the company failed to 
safeguard personal data.

Goal Financial allowed two employees to access the personal information of 
about 7,000 customers and take the information to a competing firm between 
2005 and 2006, and the company allowed an employee to sell a hard drive 
containing the unencrypted personal information of 34,000 customers 
sometime in 2006, the FTC said. The company failed to protect personal 
information such as birth dates, Social Security numbers, and income and 
employment information, the FTC said in its complaint against Goal 


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