[Dataloss] TX: Computer breach at UT Dallas may have exposed students' personal info

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Thu Jul 31 21:23:59 UTC 2008


A computer network attack at the University of Texas at Dallas may have 
exposed Social Security numbers and other personal information for 9,100 
individuals, school officials said today.

A security breach in UTD.s computer network may have exposed Social 
Security numbers along with names, addresses, email addresses or telephone 
numbers, officials said.


"We are very sorry this happened," Jim Gary, UTD vice president and chief 
information officer, said in a prepared statement. "We would never seek to 
minimize the impact of such an event, but we find no indication that the 
information has been disclosed, disseminated or used to anyone's 
detriment.  We are working to inform anyone who is potentially at risk."


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