[Dataloss] confirming victims of data breaches?

Rob Shavell rshavell at identityforce.com
Mon Jul 21 22:50:31 UTC 2008

hi all,

as notification laws proliferate, i'm wondering, w/out a notification
letter, can consumers themselves really confirm if they are part of a

in my experience, calling up a company directly to ask if you are
affected by a breach results in a canned response saying "did you get
a letter"? or "contact your credit card company"

do companies have any responsibility to tell those who may have NOT
YET received a notification (state doesn't require it, moved,
whatever) that they are indeed affected?  if not, doesn't this reality
counter the spirit of the laws and companies doing the right thing?

i understand that SSNbreach (and maybe others?) are trying to do
something about this. is there any way to empower consumers here?

Rob Shavell
Director of Compliance

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