[Dataloss] CA: Security breach compromises 5, 000 social security numbers at Consumer Affairs [UPDATE]

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Fri Jul 11 00:36:56 UTC 2008

California state worker probed in ID security breach
By Andrew McIntosh - amcintosh at sacbee.com

Last Updated 12:09 am PDT Thursday, July 10, 2008
Story appeared in MAIN NEWS section, Page A4

A state worker recently married to a member of the Mexican Mafia who  
is in Corcoran State Prison for a gang murder is herself under  
investigation for downloading more than 5,000 names, addresses and  
Social Security numbers belonging to Department of Consumer Affairs  
staff, The Bee has learned.

The Department of Consumer Affairs disclosed that it suffered a data  
security breach last month, but at the time released few details about  
the incident.

Officials sent a letter to employees, warning them to watch their  
credit for signs of identity theft, offering them free credit reports  
and $25,000 worth of fraud insurance.

Court documents obtained by The Bee show the department's own  
investigators have raided the Sacramento home of Rachael Rivas  
Dumbrique, a 32-year-old former Consumer Affairs personnel specialist,  
as part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

Investigators are looking at why Dumbrique copied a confidential data  
roster with employee names, addresses and Social Security numbers and  
then shipped it to a private e-mail account on her last day of work at  
Consumer Affairs in June. They also want to know if her gang-linked  
husband had any involvement, the court documents show.


Full story at http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/1072332.html

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