[Dataloss] MPs say losing computer data should be made a crime

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Jan 3 19:00:01 UTC 2008

MPs say losing computer data should be made a crime

Tania Branigan, political correspondent
Thursday January 3, 2008
The Guardian

Recklessly or repeatedly mishandling personal information should become a
criminal offence, a committee of MPs urges today in the wake of the child
benefit fiasco.

A report from the justice select committee says there is evidence of a
widespread problem within government and expresses concern that further
cases of data loss are still coming to light, adding that concerns about
systemic failings were raised two years ago by the man now in charge of the
government's review of security. The committee says that companies should be
obliged to report information losses.

"The scale of the data loss by government bodies and contractors is truly
shocking, but the evidence we have had points to further hidden problems,"
warned Alan Beith, chairman of the committee. "It is frankly incredible, for
example, that the measures HMRC [HM Revenue & Customs] has [now] put in
place were not already standard procedure."

The report was prompted by HMRC's loss of computer discs containing the
personal and bank details of all British families claiming child benefit.

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