[Dataloss] (update) UK: Personnel may sue MoD over stolen laptop data

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Fri Feb 8 00:31:29 UTC 2008


A number of serving or former military personnel whose personal and 
financial details were on a laptop stolen in Birmingham last month are 
considering suing the Ministry of Defence under the Data Protection Act.

More than 600,000 names of those who had either joined the RAF, Royal Navy 
or Royal Marines or expressed an interest in doing so since 1997 were on 
the unencrypted hard-drive taken from a parked car on January 9. The 
information also included thousands of home addresses, individuals' bank 
details, passport and National Insurance numbers, leading to fears of 
identity theft or the targeting of armed forces' personnel by terrorists.

The MoD then admitted that two other laptops containing similar 
recruitment information dating back as far as 1969 had also gone missing 
in 2005 and 2006. Neither has been recovered.


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