[Dataloss] FOIA request(s)?

Chris Walsh chris at cwalsh.org
Wed Feb 6 03:33:16 UTC 2008


Only a few states require breaches to be reported to any kind of state  
agency --  NY, NJ, NH, NC and (IIRC) ME are the ones.  I FOIA'ed NJ,  
NC, and NY.  NH publishes breach reports on a web site anyway, and I  
haven't tried ME yet.  IN may join the club, but the law hasn't been  
passed as yet.


NY has been very forthcoming.  I have every breach report they have  
received from the start of their law until mid-2007.  Another request  
will go out in a week or so.
NC was slower than NY, but sent me a bunch of stuff.  I owe them  
another request.
NJ says the info is exempt from disclosure because it is reported to  
the state police.  This is debatable, IMNSHO.  I am surprised a suit  
hasn't been filed.

Drop me a line if you want a zip file of the docs I have scanned so far.


On Feb 5, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Sean Steele wrote:

> Hi all, I’m looking for advice regarding and experiences with FOIA  
> requests to state/municipal government(s), for data breach and  
> related information. Have you been able to successfully request, if  
> so how, do you have tips, tricks, hints, strategies, etc.
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