[Dataloss] (follow-up) CT: State learns customers affected by bank data loss could balloon to 10 million

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Thu Aug 28 18:49:04 UTC 2008


Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that the state.s investigation into 
the loss of confidential data of more than 500,000 Connecticut residents 
by the Bank of New York Mellon Corp. has revealed that the security breach 
is much broader than first reported.

The Connecticut consumers were among 4 million people whose data was lost 
in February when BNY Mellon was transferring information, some on behalf 
of People's United Bank of Bridgeport.

"It is simply outrageous that this mountain of information was not better 
protected and it is equally outrageous that we are hearing about a 
possible six million additional individuals and businesses six months 
after the fact," Governor Rell said. "We fear a substantial number 
Connecticut residents are among this latest group."

The sensitive data includes names, addresses, dates of birth and Social 
Security numbers. BNY Mellon did not notify People's until May 13 that 
information on 556,000 People's depositors, was missing.


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