[Dataloss] Best Western Response

Jamie C. Pole jpole at jcpa.com
Tue Aug 26 21:33:50 UTC 2008

When the standard doesn't reflect the reality of the situation, I  
would argue that credit card processors are FAR better off having a  
real security assessment done by competent consultant resources,  
rather than have automated tools run by "certified" individuals that  
don't have the knowledge to interpret the results.

I agree that something is better than nothing, but the PCI DSS program  
gives nothing but a false sense of security.  The processors should be  
made to very clearly understand that PCI compliance is only meaningful  
to the PCI people - it does not reflect whether or not the environment  
can be breached in the real world.  I have yet to see a PCI DSS  
certified environment that would allow me to sleep at night if I was  
responsible for it.


On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:28 PM, Michael Hill, CITRMS wrote:

> No matter what anybody or any government or industry puts together,  
> there is no perfect system/solution.  But taking reasonable steps to  
> safeguard the data compared to NOT doing anything should count for  
> something.
> Michael Hill
> Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist
> www.idtheft101.net
> 404-216-3751
> "If You Think You're Not At Risk, Think Again!"

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