[Dataloss] WA: Kingston Tax Service computers stolen; clients warned of identity theft

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Tue Aug 19 17:23:33 UTC 2008


Immediate action is necessary on behalf of all Kingston Tax Service 
clients to protect themselves from identity theft.

Office computers were stolen from the business in a reported burglary 
sometime before 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 12.

"On each of the computers is information which can be used by identity 
thieves," states a letter sent to clients of Kingston Tax Services.

The letter, written by owner Tim Winsor the day the robbery report was 
filed, urges clients to put fraud alerts on their credit cards 

Although the information was password protected, Winsor states they aren't 
foolproof. He advises clients they need to call to banks, credit card 
companies, the Social Security Administration and three Credit Bureau 
Fraud Departments: TransUnion, Equifax and Experian.


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