[Dataloss] Laptop stolen at SF Ca Airport with data of 33000 travelers

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Tue Aug 5 09:36:48 UTC 2008


SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A stolen laptop has prompted administrators of a 
popular airport program to implement new security measures. The computer 
was stolen over the weekend at San Francisco International and thousands 
of passengers' personal records were taken along with it.

For the past year, travelers at SFO have had the option to enroll in the 
Clear Registered Traveler Program. Those who sign up get a biometric ID 
card, which allows them to bypass regular security lines for $128 a year.


Over the weekend, the popular program ran into a security breach. 
Someone entered the Clear office at SFO and stole a laptop computer. It 
contained records of 33,000 applicants. Information included names, 
addresses, birthdates, and in some cases, driver's license and passport 


The company says the thief would have to bypass two separate passwords 
to obtain any personal information. Even so, the Transportation Security 
Administration is temporarily prohibiting new customers from enrolling 
in the Clear program.


No telling how long the enrollment process will be suspended, the TSA 
says it will depend on how long it will take for the company that runs 
Clear to notify its applicants and improve the security on its computers.

"Basically what we're doing is we're downloading new software into all 
our laptops at the airports, more encrypted and revisiting all the 
enrollment procedures here," said David Pfeiffer, the Clear general manager.


As for who stole the laptop in the first place, authorities are still 
investigating. There were no apparent signs of a break-in.

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