[Dataloss] Suggestion for changing status quo on data losses

Arshad Noor arshad.noor at strongauth.com
Fri Aug 1 20:08:48 UTC 2008

In light of the exemplary work the people behind this listserv
do, and the educational service they provide, I would like to
suggest taking this a step further so we can stem this deluge
of data losses we are subjected to every day.

I propose that attrition.org make up a dedicated list of every
US Senator and Congressman, and email them every single data-
loss announcement.

It is my sincere belief that US-based politicians have their
heads in the sand about the gravity of this problem, as do most
people on the street.  However,the media is also to blame.  (I 
live in Silicon Valley and I do not recall seeing any news item 
about the 80-million birthdates exposed by Facebook or the 
password breaches at the iTunes web site in the newspaper here;
but for this and another forum, even I would be clue-less).

However, if this listserv notifies every US Senator & Congress
person about every breach that we see, then they/their staffers 
can hardly claim they didn't realize how bad the situation is.  
The once a year report put out by the FTC is good for soundbites,
but the daily reports of the losses ought to shake them up.  If
not, I suggest letting them know with your vote this November.
(I intend to).

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

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