[Dataloss] MORE users affected by the SunGard laptop theft

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Tue Apr 22 18:48:43 UTC 2008

These from Binghamton University


Another security breach — this time following the theft of a laptop 
owned by the company which implements the Banner system — has exposed 
the names and Social Security numbers of over 130 individuals related to 
Binghamton University.

This weekend the University notified 11 students and about 120 
applicants that their names and Social Security numbers were saved on a 
laptop belonging to an employee of SunGard Higher Education, which was 
stolen on March 13. The information was password protected, but not 
encrypted, and the laptop also contained similar information for about 
3,400 Connecticut State University students and an undisclosed number of 
University at Buffalo students.

Although SunGard Higher Education, the company which offers consulting 
for Banner system users, notified the SUNY system about the theft on 
April 9, a BU spokeswoman declined to say what caused the nearly 
two-week delay in notifying students about the breach. A SUNY 
spokeswoman could not be reached for comment about the time lapse.

According to New York State law, any person or business who handles 
sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers, must 
disclose security breaches, but the law does not specify a time frame 
for the notification.


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