[Dataloss] CEOs deserve jail for data breaches

Ghercoias, Catalin CGhercoias at TWEC.COM
Wed Apr 9 13:14:11 UTC 2008

I agree with the idea. After all these breaches maybe not necessarily the
CXX-level executives (maybe the CFO) should be marched to jail but the
Directors of the IT who have been told by their Managers of Infrastructure
or Managers of Store Services that there is a potential for a breach and
"this is what needs to be done/purchased..." but the Director of IT either
ignored them or said "this is not critical, it can wait".

How many of you Security Engineers, System Administrators, Network
Administrators, etc. have discovered big problems (or potential big) in your
networks and you notified your Director of IT only to be given one of the
answers "this is not critical, we do not have budget for this, it can wait
until next year,... or you_fill_in_the_answer_here" or the worse answer I've
heard -- "this is a risk that the business is willing to assume" ??
Especially when you told them that egress traffic should be blocked at the
firewall level for ... all stores, let's say.

-- C.

> From: Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org>
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 08:52:00 -0400
> To: <dataloss at attrition.org>
> Subject: Re: [Dataloss] CEOs deserve jail for data breaches
> This is an excellent idea.  As I wrote the other on another mailing
> list, the single best thing that could happen for security would
> be live video of every Cxx-level executive at TJX being marched
> into Leavenworth -- AFTER being stripped of all personal assets.
> ---Rsk
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