[Dataloss] (article) Asia Needs Stronger Data Breach Laws

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Fri Sep 28 17:56:28 UTC 2007


Governments in Asia need stronger data breach laws to ensure businesses 
improve the security of their customer data, according to a senior CA 

Jerry Cox, CA's director of security sales for the Asia-Pacific region, 
including Japan, said in an interview: "Strong laws would force a company 
to disclose security breaches often involving the loss of customer data."

This, Cox explained, would protect the people whose data was compromised. 
Strong data breach laws will also ensure companies take data security more 
seriously, especially if there are penalties in the form of monetary 
fines, or risks of reputation damage due to public disclosure.

According to Cox, Japan and Korea are ahead of most parts of Southern Asia 
in establishing such laws.


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