[Dataloss] follow up & political fall out from CT tax department laptop theft

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Fri Sep 7 11:25:58 UTC 2007


Somewhat AMAZING, at least to me, the responses when "POWERFUL" people 
are at risk for data loss


 From the Hartford CT Courant

Laptop Theft Response Attacked
Lawmakers At Risk Of Identity Theft

By CHRISTOPHER KEATING | Capitol Bureau Chief
    September 6, 2007

At least two prominent Democratic legislators and more than 70 state tax 
department employees are among Connecticut taxpayers at risk of identity 
theft because their Social Security numbers were on a stolen 
tax-department laptop computer.

A spokesman for Gov. M. Jodi Rell called the breach "inexcusable," and 
tax officials Wednesday said the state would pay for identity-theft 
protection for the 106,000 taxpayers whose names are on the computer.


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