[Dataloss] AT&T laptop theft exposes employee data

George Toft george at georgetoft.com
Tue Sep 4 13:40:04 UTC 2007

My wife got her letter.  AT&T is now predicting the future as they "have 
no evidence that your personal information has been, or will be, used 
for unauthorized purposes."

George Toft, CISSP

lyger wrote:
> http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=networking_and_internet&articleId=9033813&taxonomyId=16
> AT&T and Maryland's Department of the Environment have become the latest 
> organizations to find out first hand why security analysts for some time 
> now have advocated the use of encryption to protect sensitive data on 
> laptops and other mobile devices.
> A laptop containing unencrypted personal data on current and former 
> employees of the AT&T Corp. was stolen recently from the car of an 
> employee of a professional services firm doing work for the company. That 
> theft prompted the company to notify an unspecified number of individuals 
> about the potential compromise of their Social Security numbers, names and 
> other personal details.
> A spokesman for AT&T today confirmed the July 27 incident and said it 
> affected only employees of the former AT&T Corp. acquired by SBC 
> Communications Inc. in 2005. No data involving employees of SBC, Bell 
> South or Cingular was affected, the spokesman said.
> [...]
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