[Dataloss] Canada: Sick Kids doctor loses data on 3,300 patients

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Sep 1 01:32:07 UTC 2007

past related article: http://attrition.org/dataloss/2007/03/sickkids01.html


Six weeks after Ontario's privacy commissioner ordered the Hospital for 
Sick Children not to remove electronic health records from the hospital, a 
doctor lost an external hard drive containing such records at the 
country's busiest airport.

The hard drive, lost at Pearson International on April 21, contained 
personal health data on 3,300 patients who had received eye examinations 
or eye treatment at the hospital. The files included patient names, dates 
of birth, diagnoses, ophthalmologic images, and photographs of eyes and 
eye injuries.

Helen Simeon, director of public affairs at Sick Kids, said it took months 
to reconstruct the information and affected patients were not notified of 
the security breach until a letter was sent Aug. 28.


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