[Dataloss] Document archive mini-update

Chris Walsh chris at cwalsh.org
Mon Oct 29 00:09:02 UTC 2007

I have added several documents received from North Carolina's  
Attorney General's office to the on-line collection at http:// 

Sorry for the delay, but I overhauled the underlying database schema  
to accomodate multiple sources of documents, and to also more clearly  
handle the distinction between whose data was exposed, who was  
holding the data, and who reported the breach.  BTW - This collection  
was out of commission for about 10 days due to a hardware failure (my  
iMac lost a power supply or a mobo - need to open it up and look at  
diagnostic LEDs).  Now the DB  is on a  back-end FreeBSD box where it  

I have many more documents to add, and will be doing so as time permits.

I've added some Google Adsense gingerbread to the search result  
pages , which is kind of interesting because Google is able to crawl  
the PDFs themselves, so in some cases the ads are truly context- 
aware. *If you prefer not to see such ads, turn off Javascript* (I  
recommend NoScript).   Of course, the original scanned docs are  
entirely unaltered.

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