[Dataloss] Nevada Law Mandates Encryption of Electronically-Transmitted Personal Information

B.K. DeLong bkdelong at pobox.com
Thu Oct 25 21:04:18 UTC 2007

Speaking of PII and other such data, did anyone ever attempt to bring
the "PCI DSS as law" into the mix in NV? If encryption was proposed,
I'd be surprised if other such protections were not as well.

At last count, MN, CA, TX, MA and IL have or had laws proposed
containing bits of the PCI DSS. Did I miss anyone?

On 10/25/07, Chris Walsh <cwalsh at cwalsh.org> wrote:
> I emailed the author of the article at mofo.com (man do I want
> an email address there...).
> She replied that have they don't have any evidence that Nevada has
> changed this definition or whether it relies on it or a
> different one.
> Maybe this will come out when/if a case is brought to court...
> Chris
> On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 11:04:01AM -0500, Chris Walsh wrote:
> > Does this mean that Nevada has changed the definition of
> > "encryption" that they use in their laws?
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B.K. DeLong (K3GRN)
bkdelong at pobox.com

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