[Dataloss] TX: School Burglars Target Students' Information

MKEVHILL at aol.com MKEVHILL at aol.com
Thu Oct 25 01:41:11 UTC 2007

Four East Texas school districts had campuses burglarized within the past  
week, and one district has reason to believe the burglars' target may have been  
their students' Social Security information.

Burglars smashed glass from  windows, pried open doors and climbed down a 
middle school's skylight to gain  entry to buildings in the Rains, Kaufman, 
Edgewood, and Alba-Golden Independent  School Districts.

Once inside, they tossed drawers, rummaged through filing  cabinets and 
smashed their way into a safe all the while managing to avoid  tripping each 
school's alarm system or alerting their security guards. In some  of the filing 
cabinets, school officials kept students' personal information,  including Social 
Security numbers.

While law enforcement agencies said  it's too early in the investigation to 
say the burglaries are connected, they  did note several similarities - the 
burglaries were around the same time frame,  and petty cash funds kept around the 
schools were stolen.


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