[Dataloss] follow-up: TJX Revises Consumer Settlement, Agrees to Pay Cash

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Wed Oct 10 13:32:17 UTC 2007

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Evan Schuman
October 9, 2007

Hours before a federal judge demanded that TJX address key concerns about 
its proposed settlement, the merchant behind the biggest retail data 
breach ever agreed to some key changes, including offering a cash 
alternative to its voucher offer.

The biggest objection to the initial proposed settlement had been that 
consumer victims were only offered $30 vouchers for making purchases at 
stores owned by The TJX Companies. Under a new proposed settlement that 
was filed late Oct. 9, attorneys for both sides are now proposing giving 
consumers a choice: either the $30 voucher or a $15 check.

The objection to the voucher-only deal was that TJX could be using the 
settlement as a way to potentially boost sales, relying on consumers to 
buy more than $30 worth of merchandise.

The new proposal still makes the vouchers seem twice as compelling as the 
checks, but with the addition of a cash alternative, the proposal is more 
likely to get the approval of U.S. District Court Judge William G. Young.


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