[Dataloss] Canada: Privacy breach at MacEwan

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Oct 6 20:19:13 UTC 2007


A city college chose not to inform students and others whose personal 
credit information was left publicly available through its Internet site, 
it has confirmed.

MacEwan College was cited in the auditor general.s report this week after 
a tipster told the AG.s office about the security breach in 2006. It 
mirrored access problems in 2002-2003, the AG.s report confirmed.

The college chose not to tell those whose personal information was 
included in the accessible journal entries based on an assessment of risk 
by its Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy office, said 
MacEwan spokesman Gordon Turtle.


According to the auditor general.s investigation, the breach included 
computer scans of "employee and student information such as credit card 
numbers, copies of cheques, signatures, addresses, as well as college 
information such as bank account numbers and deposit receipts."


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