[Dataloss] Priority One Credit Union's Security Breach

Ron Simmons ron.simmons at gmail.com
Wed May 30 15:36:13 UTC 2007

 Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5:15 PM PT Posted by Steve Bass


'm watching my credit union account like a hawk. That's because
Priority One<http://www.priorityonecu.org/>Credit Union -- the one I
use -- had a security breach that was stunning.

They recently sent election ballots to members. Printed on the outside of
the envelope were some numbers. The first was our account number.

That might not have been enough to help with anyone intent on identity
theft, so they also printed my social security number on the envelope.

I received a letter of apology
<http://www.priorityonecu.org/whatsnew.shtml>the other day. They told
me they deeply regretted the inconvenience. (See
Important Security Message to Members.)

Posted on the CU Web site by Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. CEO/President


During the last week, we mailed our election ballots to members.
Unfortunately, an error occurred during the distribution of this ballot, and
personal information was inadvertently included above your address on the
envelope. This information was not printed in a format that would be
immediately recognizable, and we have no indication your personal
information has been accessed or misused in any way.
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