[Dataloss] TN: Medical records found in trash outside Rockwood medical building

MKEVHILL at aol.com MKEVHILL at aol.com
Sat May 26 14:12:02 UTC 2007

ROCKWOOD (WATE) -- Medical waste, including medical  records, was piled 
several feet high outside a Rockwood doctor's office  on  Thursday.  
The records contained personal information such as names, addresses and  
Social Security numbers that could patients at risk of identity theft.  
Just behind the Chamberlain Professional Building, 6 News found what  looked 
like a mound of useless trash, but a closer look revealed patient records  
among the garbage.  
Detective Steve Hritz said his office has gotten a few calls about the mess.  
He came to check on it and couldn't believe his eyes.  
"I'm shocked, I mean, our police officers, we have our physicals done down  
here," Hritz said. "And our medical records could be out here somewhere."  
Hritz said all the information a thief needs to assume your identity  was in 
the pile. 

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