[Dataloss] NY: Personal Information of up to 90, 000 Compromised at Stony Brook

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Sat May 19 23:13:50 UTC 2007

Not the first time this has hit SUNY (although not Stony Brook):


On May 19, 2007, at 2:04 PM, lyger wrote:

> http://www.sbindependent.org/node/1850
> The personal information of 90,000 people in a Stony Brook University
> database was accidentally posted to Google left there until it was
> discovered almost two weeks later.
> According to a website set up by the university, Social Security  
> numbers
> and university ID numbers of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and  
> other
> members of the community were visible on Google after they were  
> posted to
> a Health Sciences Library web server on April 11.
> [...]
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