[Dataloss] AZ: Substitute teachers' Social Security numbers stolen in car break-in

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat May 19 19:02:41 UTC 2007


The Social Security numbers of 91 Yuma Elementary School District 1 
substitute teachers were stolen May 7 when a district employee's car was 
broken into.

In addition to the car owner's purse and some personal items, a briefcase 
containing employee information reports was in car when the break-in 
occurred, according to Kerry Jones, chief financial officer for District 

Jones said the reports detailed the payroll hours the 91 substitutes had 
worked during a two-week period. He said no money was taken and the 
reports did not list bank account numbers. However, he said the theft of 
the Social Security information was a cause for caution.


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