[Dataloss] UK: Security Concerns Affect Web Visa Applications

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Sat May 19 01:12:40 UTC 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fergie <fergdawg at netzero.net>


Online applications for some UK visas have been suspended amid claims a 
security loophole left personal data vulnerable to identity thieves, it 
was reported last night.

IT systems covering India, Russia and Nigeria were affected and up to 
50,000 Indian travellers could have been exposed to having their personal 
details stolen.

Home addresses, dates of birth and passport numbers were all said to be 
accessible for more than a year, creating what the Tories said was a 
security breach open to being exploited by terrorists.

The Information Commissioner, the government's data privacy watchdog 
demanded a "full explanation" from the Foreign Office over the apparent 
breach - to which it was alerted a year ago.



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