[Dataloss] GA: Security breach involves recent births - 140, 000 notified

Dave dave at etiolated.org
Thu May 17 02:31:46 UTC 2007


by Gayle White
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 05/17/07

State officials are warning parents of 140,000 Georgia babies that a
security  lapse has exposed some of their personal and medical
information to the risk of  fraud.

The Georgia Department of Human Resources mailed letters Wednesday to
all  parents of infants born in Georgia between April 1, 2006, and
March 16, 2007,  saying that paper records containing their Social
Security numbers and  information about their medical histories were
improperly discarded.

The records do not contain names or addresses, said Stuart Brown,
director of  the state's Division of Public Health. He said there is
no evidence that  information from the records has been used


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