[Dataloss] IBM contractor loses employee data

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed May 16 11:59:44 UTC 2007

Courtesy Dave Shettler:


An unnamed IBM vendor has lost tapes containing sensitive information on 
IBM employees, the computer maker confirmed Tuesday.

The tapes went missing in transit from a contractor's vehicle on Feb. 23 
near the intersection of Interstate 287 and 684 -- just a few miles south 
of IBM's Armonk, New York, headquarters, said IBM spokesman Fred McNeese. 
"We've investigated the incident and concluded that the tape loss was 

IBM has run an ad in the local newspaper -- the Westchester Journal News 
-- seeking help in retrieving the tapes but has been unable to recover 
them. "We don't know what happened to the tapes," McNeese said.


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