[Dataloss] OT? PCI Education Steak & Shake

Al Mac macwheel99 at sigecom.net
Tue May 8 15:48:21 UTC 2007

OT because we have no info on any cyber security incident, but of interest 
what is considered to be state-of-art when it comes to preventing certain 
kinds of incidents.

Steak & Shake restaurant chain has had to beef up its computer security 
because a rapid increase in their credit card transaction volume has taken 
them to more stingent tiers of PCI standards.  The article shows us what 
hoops the chain had to jump through to meet the standards.

What we do not see here is a perspective on security rules enforcement to 
avoid more incidents like TJX.  There are also some statements in the 
article that I would take issue with.  They imply stronger security than my 
understanding of reality.


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